I Love/Hate you Amazon.com

I’m excited for this trip! I can’t wait to get out of Afghanistan so I can properly plan it.  My girlfriend, Melissa, is Canadian and has only been to minor league baseball games before.  It’s going to be a great little adventure for the two of us.  It will be a great way for her to truly understand my love for baseball.  Maybe I can even get her to love baseball as much as she loves hockey.  It’s a long shot but, just maybe.  Being over here gives me a ton of time to spend money on amazon.com.

 I figured I needed to read the books of the people who have made a similar baseball journey before me.  I am currently reading The Fastest 30 Ballgames: A Ballpark Chasers World Record Story by Douglas “Chuck” Booth, Craig B. Landgren, & Kenneth A. Lee.  It’s taking me a
while to read it because I work in a secure facility and can’t bring in
electronics and have it on my Kindle.  I also purchased Dodger Dogs to Fenway Franks: The Ultimate Guide to America’s Top Baseball Parks by Robert Wood, and Around the Majors in 60 Days: My Baseball Dream by Ray Bergman, Judith Hettler.  I’m sure that these books will give me the added insight to make the most of my trip.  I had those two books sent to my parents’ house back in Michigan because I am ready to go home!! 

I also got a bunch of baseball movies.  I was going to have them sent here but I forgot to make that distinction on Amazon.com and they sent them to my parents’ house.  I got movies that are informational and movies that are going to be fun to watch with Melissa and hopefully get her excited about the trip. I got the documentaries Chicago Cubs: The Heart & Soul of Chicago, Fall Classic at Fenway Park, Essential Games of the Detroit Tigers, Modern Marvels - Baseball Parks, MLB Vintage World Series Films - Detroit Tigers 1945, 1968 & 1984, 2008 Philadelphia Phillies: The Official World Series Film.   I also purchased the movies:  Major League (Wild Thing Edition), For Love of the Game, Sugar, and of course the classic Field
of Dreams

That doesn’t conclude everything just yet.  I bought a 50”x32” US wall
map.  I’m going to get a giant cork board and an easel to put it on.  I purchased 100 Map Pins to stick in it.  Obviously every park gets a pin but I’m going to find other destinations that deserve a pin as well and try to make it there. 


I’m so excited for this trip.  It’s so far away and there’s so much planning that needs to be done.  I can’t wait to be able to enjoy these books and movies that will make my road trip experience that much more enjoyable!

  • Craig (17)

    We are excited for you, RJ! So what makes you sometimes "hate" Amazon?
  • RJ Breisacher

    I love Amazon!  I just hate that its so easy to spend money there!