  • Female
  • Englewood, CO
  • United States
  • Coors Field
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  • Sox Guy
  • Jim Wood (46 MLB)

RoxGrl303's Discussions

Target Field

Started this discussion. Last reply by RoxGrl303 Jan 27, 2014. 5 Replies

Getting ready to set up a weekend trip to Target Field. Any suggestions on what month to visit. Or any other Target Field suggestions.Continue


Welcome, RoxGrl!

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RoxGrl303 updated their profile
Jun 15, 2023

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Is it a life goal to see all 30 Major League Ballparks?
How many current MLB ballparks have you visited?
Seen them all
What is your hometown ballpark?
Coors Field
What is your favorite ballpark?
Fenway, PNC, Coors

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Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 10:53am on September 14, 2013, Craig (17) said…

Fun- you will love Safeco!

At 9:26am on September 14, 2013, Craig (17) said…

Hi RoxGrl- welcome to Ballpark Chasers! Have you taken any trips this season? Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions that I can help with in regards to our website. Thanks for signing up!
-Craig (Founder of Ballpark Chasers)



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