Scott Heaton (12)
  • Male
  • Yankee Stadium
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Scott Heaton (12)'s Discussions

Trenton Thunder Welcome North Fan Fest

Started Mar 15, 2012 0 Replies

Thought I'd share this info to anyone close to New Jersey.  Just received an email from the the Trenton Thunder, the Double A affiliate of the New York Yankees.  I plan on going. The Trenton Thunder…Continue


Scott Heaton (12)'s Page

Profile Information

Is it a life goal to see all 30 Major League Ballparks?
How many current MLB ballparks have you visited?
What is your hometown ballpark?
Yankee Stadium
What is your favorite ballpark?
Yankee Stadium

Ballpark Tracker

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Scott Heaton (12)'s Blog


Posted on February 19, 2012 at 5:50am 0 Comments

Happy Pitchers and Catchers Day!

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At 2:52pm on June 24, 2011, robert said…
nothing much..nice website!..why no pictures of citi bank?
At 3:52pm on June 23, 2011, Craig (17) said…
Wow, sounds like a great summer! I am on a ballpark sabbatical this season! :) In all honesty, I did a week in China in May so the wife has me on lockdown!
At 3:00pm on June 23, 2011, Craig (17) said…
Hey Scott- welcome to Ballpark Chasers! Any trips planned this season?


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