Onward and Upwards....ballparks 12 & 13 this week coming!!! woo hoo!

So me and my pal Rick are leaving tomorrow night to head to Progressive Field in Cleveland on Monday night, we are gonna take the ballpark tour in the morning, the Indians are playing the Yankees, so I will actually have a rooting interest in the home team for once!! LOL

The we will head down to Pittsburgh the next morning to PNC Park, take in the ballpark tour and then that night games Mets/Pirates game....should be good as Johan Santana is pitching from MY Mets!!!

I will update you all and let you all in on the action with the pics!


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Comment by Craig (17) on May 31, 2009 at 11:42pm
Have fun, Paul!
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on May 30, 2009 at 8:56am
PNC is awesome! Make sure you have a Primanti Brothers sandwich, if not at the part, there are several locations in town :)


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