For New Joisey Yankees Fans (from Ballpark Insider blog)

Hey Kids, here's a tip for Yankees fans living in NJ:

I have tentative plans to go to the new Yankee Stadium on May 5th, provided my boss lets me have the day off and my wife doesn't notice.

Being a New Jersey native my whole life, I've learned to find ways to beat a system that is designed to be unbeatable, that being avoiding any extra charges for tolls and parking that can be avoided without a great deal of effort.

I state in my Yankee Stadium Guide (to be finished soon!) that if New Yorkers cared about the price of anything at all, they wouldn't be New Yorkers. And that a winning baseball team can more or less name its price. How else could it cost $23 to park at a Yankees game without anyone batting an eye?

But likely being by myself, I get to experiment with alternatives, so I'm going to try using the Staten Island Ferry and then taking the 4 train from the Battery Park area of Lower Manhattan.

Just for kicks I figured out the difference in cost between driving and parking at the Stadium and using the Ferry and the 4 train:

Driving and parking at the Stadium:
NJ Turnpike from Exit 7 (where I would get on) to George Washington Bridge: $12.70 round trip
George Washington Bridge eastbound: $8
Parking at Yankee Stadium: $23
Additional Mileage: 18 city miles, about 2 gallons of gas or $6
Total to drive and park at the Stadium: $49.70

Driving to the Staten Island Ferry and using the 4 train:
NJ Turnpike from Exit 7 to Goethals Bridge: $6.20 round trip
Goethals Bridge eastbound: $8
Parking at Ferry Station: $5 per day
Ferry ride: free (!)
4 train round trip: $4.50
Total using ferry and train: $23.70

In addition, the Staten Island Ferry offers great views of the Statue of Liberty and Lower Manhattan and there is inexpensive food and even beer served on the boat (which I probably won't partake of given that I would be using it in the morning, but who knows). The ferry runs all day and all night, so one needn't worry about extra innings. It gets crowded, but that is to be expected with a free tourist attraction in New York City.

If there is a downside to saving $26 and the aggravation of dealing with NYC traffic to get to a Yankees game, I'm not sure what it is. But I'll update this if I have any problems.

Staten Island Ferry's website:

Views: 382


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Comment by Kurt Smith on April 28, 2010 at 5:28pm
Will do...thanks man!
Comment by michael schwartz (71) on April 28, 2010 at 10:37am
Use anything you like, Kurt. No problem. Enjoy the game!
Comment by Craig (17) on April 27, 2010 at 10:53pm
Great stuff Kurt and Michael...thanks for sharing!
Comment by Kurt Smith on April 27, 2010 at 6:53pm
Thanks for the tip by the way...mind if I add it to my Yankee Stadium guide? I'll acknowledge the source of course.
Comment by Kurt Smith on April 27, 2010 at 6:52pm
Wow, that's excellent, Mike, I may try that. I've never done this, although I did cross the Goethals to get to a Mets game and traffic was pretty bad even on a weekend.
Comment by michael schwartz (71) on April 27, 2010 at 5:37pm
Here's another option. Drive to the Turnpike exit for the Lincoln Tunnel, but park in the NJ Transit North Bergen Park and Ride Lot that is practically adjacent to the exit. Fare of $9.50 covers parking and round trip bus (#320) to Port Authority Bus Terminal, from where you can catch the subway to Yankee Stadium. Fare for senior driver is $6.20. Extra passengers pay for the bus only, probably about 3-4 bucks. This avoids having to cross the Goethals Bridge to Staten Island, which can be a very slow ride, plus having to fight your way across Staten Island, which can also be very slow. Just get yourself to the Park and Ride and let the bus driver worry about getting across the river. See for details. I have been doing this forever, and it has stood the test of time. Added bonus, as the bus traverses the infamous "helix" approach to the Lincoln Tunnel, you get that million dollar view of midtown Manhattan featured in the opening sequence of the Sopranos.


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