ESPN just published these baseball odds. I thought it was pretty interesting.

There is a 1 in 11 chance that a game will go into extra innings.

There is a 1 in 325 chance that if you attend a game you will see a triple play and there is a 1 in 702 chance you will see a batter hit for the cycle.

There is a 1 in 806 chance you will see a no-hitter and a 1 in 2,610 shot that a batter will get six hits in a nine-inning game.

There is a 1 in 10,287 chance you will be witness to a perfect game.

There is a 1 in 12,492 chance that you will see an unassisted triple play.

There is a 1 in 13,453 chance you will see someone hit four homers in a game.

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Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on July 1, 2010 at 10:05pm
I've seen an Unassisted Triple Play as well (many,many,many years ago).... have seen at least 2 Walk-off Grand Slams (I cant recall the first one, but do remember the 2nd one, it was Mike Cameron for the M's vs the Twins @ Safeco). I wish I could have been at Boomer's Perfecto as he is still the ONLY Yankee I have rooted for in my lifetime.

Extra inning games, ironically, I have only been to a small # of. But I can say that the longest, in terns of time and innings, for me was last Thursday Mariners vs Cubs... 13 innings and like 4 hours and 9 minutes or close to that.

Comment by Craig (17) on July 1, 2010 at 7:10pm
@Meg- wow, that is a good track record! You are very lucky!
Comment by meg minard (30/44/205) on June 30, 2010 at 8:21pm
I’ve been to many extra inning games

I have seen an unassisted triple play (Troy Tulowitzki 4/29/2007). I couldn’t wait to get home to watch the replays on TV. It happened so fast at the game.

I do not recall seeing a game where a batter hit for the cycle
I do not recall seeing a game where a player hits 4+ homeruns
(I may have seen these in the many minor league games I’ve seen but none come to mind right now.)

I was in attendance for a perfect game (David Wells 5/16/1998). Yankee Stadium was rocking!

Not noted on stats in post, I did see a walk off grand slam (Ryan Spilborghs 8/25/2009)

I think I’m doing pretty well.
Comment by Hansel Rodriguez on June 29, 2010 at 1:03pm
I wouldn't think the chance of seeing a no-hitter would so low. I really hope to see one, the closet i got was Scott Olsen's 7.1 innings earlier this years against the Braves.
Comment by Ken Lee (30/43) on June 26, 2010 at 10:01am
"There is a 1 in 13,453 chance you will see someone hit four homers in a game. "

It didn't quite take me 13,453 games... but been there, done that on May 2, 2002 in Chicago when Mike Cameron did it. :)

Wonder what the odds are that 2 teammates will go back-to-back 2x in 1 inning? Saw that too :)

Interesting stats... I have always heard it was more rare for 4 homers, as compared to a perfecto, now we know the #'s. Very cool! :)
Comment by Craig (17) on June 26, 2010 at 9:30am
I saw this too! I was kinda surprised by the triple play one...I figured it was much more rare to see. This gives me hope that over my lifetime I will get to witness a no-no!

Hey Ken...didn't you see someone hit 4 homers in one game?


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